Churning Of The Ocean – A Tanka

By Somali K Chakrabarti

ChurningThe Ocean

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Churning the ocean
In a bid to separate
the black from the white —
reveal the hidden demons
in a million shades of grey!!

A Tanka is a Japanese poem consisting of 31 syllables in 5 lines, with 5 syllables in the first and third lines and 7 in the others.

Lei: A wreath for your soul  is a collection of short poems that combine elements of nature, philosophy, culture, science and spirituality. Take a peek here on Kindle Store.

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33 thoughts on “Churning Of The Ocean – A Tanka

  1. Mythology has never ceased to amaze me, with its symbols of the good and the evil, which can be evoked in all kinds of situations…a reflective and imaginative mind can draw out a million meanings and yet their depth cannot be discerned!
    An excellent endeavor, Somali.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hehehe…great analogy of ‘amrito-manthan’ regarding the current scenario… 😀

    I got a joke the other day on WhatsApp, “all the water was pumped out of the pond to catch crocodiles. The crocodiles got away as they can survive on land as well, but, all the fish died” 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s those who live in the in-between that may deceive quite easily, for they can turn on a dime to become whomever benefits them at the time.

    Your few words captured a million thoughts that have been racing in my head during these tumultuous events in the U.S. Superb yet troubling!


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    1. Thank you for your thoughts SlasherMonster. We have had a major transition in India too, one in which the govt attempted to separate black money from white. Now, everyday there’s some news of people finding innovative ways to dupe the system. So, troubling indeed!

      Liked by 1 person

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