Jewel of the Night

By Somali K Chakrabarti Image Source A canoe set sail in the middle of the night The boy saw a jewel hanging from the sky When wind pushed the boat to the beat of waves The jewel slid down and rested at the edge The boy thus tempted, cast his net and hook Little did… Read More Jewel of the Night

Five long term actions for controlling air pollution in Delhi

By Somali K Chakrabarti     China will trap its smog and turn them into diamonds.  – World Economic Forum    As bizarre as it sounds, this video posted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on their Facebook page claims that China will tackle Beijing’s air pollution problem by turning the carbon from smog particles into a diamonds.… Read More Five long term actions for controlling air pollution in Delhi

Dynamic Asset Allocation Funds – strive for growth, limit loss

 Buy Low, Sell High Though, we all know that for generating reasonable returns, any investor should ‘Buy Low and Sell High’, yet, for an individual investor this is easier said than done.  It is not only difficult to track the market on a continual basis, while diversifying the risk, but it is also difficult to… Read More Dynamic Asset Allocation Funds – strive for growth, limit loss